Discosailing is a participatory art 'action' that was first conceived by the artist Rasheed Araeen in 1970 and has developed in the years since. Araeen describes it as "a system of sailing, or floating on water… Discosailing, performed individually or collectively involving many performers, may appear as a sport but its underlying conception is the idea of a floating sculpture or sculptures. It can also be perceived as a form of a live performance."


On 27 September The Line will present an iteration of Discosailing on the Waterworks River at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. Six performances will unfold during the day, each lasting 30 minutes. Nine participants will float on discs and wear sails in bright colours that echo Araeen's bold sculptures and painted works.


Like much of Araeen's practice, Discosailing is an invitation for people to become part of his work. Through a meditative, experimental encounter, participants are invited to play with a connection between the body, object, water and space.


Times for the September performance to be confirmed.


For further details and precise location, please follow the link below to The Line's website.


The Line website